ENTRY #3 - WOW!!


This is Zee. We’ve been live for a week now! Can you believe it?! Hahah wow. Okay, so here we go. We’re extremely proud of this game and we can’t believe how fast it has spread to people that aren’t our friends or family. So thank you for that, that’s all you guys! I think we’ve had like 2500ish users on the site so far so that’s amazing. We’re working on a number of bugs and updates to the game that should come out very shortly. Some issues with viewing the room code on Apple devices, the VIP being able to push the game through without needing to restart the room and we’re also adding some fun stats to the last page. Those should all be taken care of in the next update. In the update after that we should be shifting a few buttons around on the main screen and also adding a F.A.Q. section too. And many more bug fixes that have been flagged to us. So that’s what’s down the pipeline.

Another thing! We reached $200 on our Ko-Fi from supporters like you! Thanks so much for supporting our team of two lol. We’ll be adding a new character to the roster chosen and voted for by our Ko-Fi supporters. After that vote is done, we’ll raise that goal to $500 for one more character. The plan after that is to raise the bar to $1000. If we get that, we’ll release a new game mode! What’s the mode? Guess we’ll need to find out.

Some things that happened this week: Added accessibility text option. Gave back upper and lower case to stories (before it was just uppercase… I guess that’s hard to read!! Whoops!) and attempted to fix our SEO so that when you search for “Frantic Fanfic” on Google it doesn’t just show my Twitter… uh… we’re working on that too. The website was down for a bit on Wednesday but we were able to fix that pretty fast!! Please note we have day jobs and we made this game for fun.

Overall, we’re just really happy that people are playing and having a good time with their friends. That’s what we made the game for. So we’re smiling about that.

Again, if you want to kick us some money for making a really cool game the link is https://ko-fi.com/franticfanfic. Another thing you can do to support us is tell a friend the game is a thing. And they’ll be like “WHAT?! NO WAY?!? THAT’S A THING?!” and you’ll be like “Yeah and it’s FREE!” and they’ll be like “WHAAAAAAAT.” and you’ll be like “Ya it’s free but they keep telling people to support them on Ko-Fi and I guess I will because I don’t remember the last time I laughed so hard tears fell from my eyes so that’s worth 5 bucks I guess” and your friend will say “That is very nice I cannot wait for that to happen to me too.” Dang was that a fanfic about you, dear reader and your friend?! I think I can’t stop writing them. Might be a problem later… Oh boy.

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